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Ready Reference:
Educational Directories

TITLE: American Universities
DESCRIPTION: Contains home pages of American Universities granting bachelor or advanced degrees.
E-MAIL: Mike Conlon,
KEYWORDS: university directories

TITLE: Canadian Universities/Universites Canadiennes
DESCRIPTION: "This list includes all institutions that are members of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, as well as a few other degree-granting institutions that may be of special importance. The names of institutions with no known home page or main menu are also listed."-Title screen.
E-MAIL: Chris Redmond,
KEYWORDS: canadian university directories

TITLE: College and University Home Pages (International)
DESCRIPTION: Contains "home pages for universities and colleges all over the world. They do not contain departmental pages unless the page in question did an adequate job of providing general campus information as well, and the lists only include one link per school."-Title screen.
E-MAIL: Christina DeMello,
KEYWORDS: international university directories

TITLE: Community College Web
DESCRIPTION: "Community colleges are two year post-secondary institutions that offer certificate programs and Associate of Arts (A.A.) degrees."-Title screen.
E-MAIL: Alan Levine,
KEYWORDS: community college directories

TITLE: Find Schools Online
DESCRIPTION: An online directory of universities and colleges around the world with information about degrees in topics ranging from cooking to medicine to business. Also offering articles, links and career news.
E-MAIL: Atul Saxena,
KEYWORDS: online directory, degrees, articles, inks and career news.


DESCRIPTION: Links to Ministry of Education, public and private universities and colleges, high schools, primary schools, and other education networks. Requires Big5 or the capability to view Chinese characters.
KEYWORDS: educational institutions, taiwan, republic of china

TITLE: Web66: International WWW Schools Registry
DESCRIPTION: Comprehensive list of K-12 schools, special schools such as arts, charter, gifted & talented, handicap, international, math, montessori, on-line, parochial, private, science schools on the Internet around the world.
E-MAIL: Stephen E. Collins,
KEYWORDS: k-12 schools, directories


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